“I’ve been killed more ways than anybody else,” claims veteran actor Ian McElhinney, best known for his roles in Derry Girls (Granda Joe), Game of Thrones (Ser Barristan Selmy), Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (General Dondonna), not to mention Superman's great great grandfather in Krypton.
With over 140 films, television shows and stage performances to his credit, Ian McElhinney was also nominated for Best Director for Stones in His Pockets, a play written by his wife, Marie Jones.
McElhinney will share highlights of his career in an interview with Sinéad Crowley, Arts and Media Correspondent with RTE News, at the 2022 Festival on Saturday 5 November.
Sinéad Crowley is also the author of The Belladonna Maze, One Bad Turn and other novels.


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